A lot of times, we meet with people that we like and we feel good about being around them. so we try all that we know as technics and strategies to drive them toward us and keep them next to us. one of these ways is Texting. In this article, I’m going to show you the most simple and hidden technics to drive man’s attention.
Days are gone when you might only call a man you were dating. Texting has become the standard for discovering someone new as well as maintaining a relationship.
This is both a positive and negative thing. On the one side, you have the opportunity to prepare what you’re going to say to the guy you’re interested in…
On the other side, it’s all too simple to misunderstand his text or become concerned if you don’t hear back quickly.
Surprisingly, a recent study found that if you and your partner have comparable texting habits, you’re more likely to be happy in your relationship. So, whether you’re a 1st texter or anyone who writes journal texts and he is too, you’re likely to hit it off!
Online Dating & Texting
Online dating is one area where texting is very significant. Most dating apps and websites provide a messaging feature that is similar to texting. This is how you find out if you like each other or not, so if you’re interested in online dating, you should learn how to text a guy to keep him engaged.
Understanding the ins and outs of texting may be quite advantageous, from the initial introduction message to the one that gets you off the app and texting directly to one another.
How to Keep a Man Interested By Texting
Now that you’ve realized that you can’t avoid texting while you navigate the wide, amazing experience of dating, let’s take a look at a few pointers to assist you to understand how to text a Man in order to keep him interested.
1- Never ever text. Just a simple ‘Hello!’.
I’m not sure when we became so lazy, but the ‘hello’ text is by far the dumbest choice when it comes to texting. Sure, you’re just poking him to see if he’s available and likes to text, but there are so many more inventive techniques to attract his attention.
Give him ways to respond instead. Here are a few samples.
-Hey Handsome Man. How is your day going?
-Hello, sweetie. I’ve been thinking about you all morning…
All of these examples a) inform him that you are thinking about him and b) provide him with something to respond to. Keep in mind that the entire purpose of texting is to participate in the conversation, so keep that in mind. Do you have any plans with him for tonight? Just want to catch up on your day. Have a more sincere discussion? When you start a discussion, keep that purpose in mind.
2- Prove to Him That You Have a Life.
I know it sounds crazy that guys would be interested in you while you’re unavailable, but don’t doubt the power of the chase. If you show yourself too accessible, you risk turning him off. But if you show him that you’re a busy woman with a lot on your schedule, he’ll desire you more and more.
Let him know you’re not always accessible if you want to understand how to text a man to keep him interested. If you’re going out with friends, answer his text but let him know you’re leaving and will check in later.
First and foremost, this is just polite because (and you know I’m right) when you send a text and don’t hear back for hours, you start to become worried. You’re answering his text but also gently informing him that you’re unavailable.
You may also text him about your plans. Send him a picture of the fish you just catch or the music you’re currently listening to. This helps him feel closer to you while also revealing that you are not waiting for him to text.
Following is an example:
It’s great to hear from you! I’m about to step out the door to meet some colleagues for happy hour. Is it possible for me to get in touch with you tonight?
3- Ask More Questions.
You know you enjoy it when the person you’re meeting asks you things about your life and interests, so why not return the favor? In order to keep a guy engaged, ask him questions about his profession, family, interests, the day or. By demonstrating your personal interest in his life, he is comforted that you like him, and he will reciprocate in kind.
— Did you do well in that job interview? I was waiting for you to tell me how it goes…
— How was your game? You did great as always…
4-Use Emojis But Don’t Exaggerate It.
Emoji usage has developed considerably with texting throughout the years. They’re not only for adolescents. Emojis may better explain the purpose behind your words, which is vital because it’s all too simple to mistake a text message.
However, keep track of how frequently you use those emoticons (and gifs are great, too). If this guy never sends an emoji, you don’t want to come to seem childish by using them liberally in your texts. Try to match his cadence.
here is a comparison between two phrases:
Without emoji: I didn’t think about you at all today.
With emoji: I didn’t think about you at all today. 😉
Without emojis: I haven’t missed you all this period!
With emoji: I haven’t missed you all this period! 😢
5- Let Him Start (Sometimes)
I know you’re thrilled about this new man, but don’t be too enthusiastic by continually starting the text chat. Allow him to come to you.
Then provide him with encouragement. Assume he texts you every day to wish you a good day. This makes you very happy. Let him know how much you appreciate his early texts, and he’ll keep it up.
However, don’t make you’re messaging absolutely one-sided. Initiate one for every several messages he sends initially. This indicates to him that you care about him and aren’t hesitant to contribute a bit.
You’ll have to pay close attention to trends and rhythm if you want to learn how to text a man and keep him intrigued. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that he texts you at around the same time( every day. Some days, surprise him by being the first to do it.
6- Use Each Text for a Specific Purpose
I mentioned briefly at the beginning of this essay how to text a man to keep him engaged. Each text chat will run more smoothly if it has a purpose or objective.
Do you want to organize anything for the weekend? Getting to know him on a more personal level? Just to let him know you’re thinking about him? Keep that goal in mind when texting to keep the discussion on track. Plus, you won’t waste his time because you have no idea what he’s doing when he reads your text.
7- Don’t “Txt LK” a Teenager
We all desire shortcuts in life but let’s not make texting one of them. You are not an adolescent. Don’t text like them.
It takes moments to write out a term rather than shorten it. And if you’re lazy or have big thumbs, there’s always a voice to text! So avoid the following:
Now, I’m not saying you can’t use a LOL now and then, but be aware that going overboard may give the idea that you’re a kid.
8- Inquire about His Day
You enjoy it when your boyfriend wants to know about your day, don’t you? So it stands to reason that he’d want the same thing.
Inquiring about his day is a terrific way to start a discussion. If he’s having a good day, you may tell him about yours. If he is having a rough day, you can be his shoulder to weep on (or at least vent at). Pay close attention to his answer and follow up with further questions.
Just don’t start every discussion that way. That can get repetitive and boring. Obviously, you want to make things new and fresh, not repetitious!
9- Keep them brief and to the point.
Texts aren’t the same as emails. They are intended to be simple. If your text to him becomes too long, try swapping to a phone conversation or Facetime.
Keeping messages short also allows for back-and-forth communication. If you have a lot to say, divide it over multiple lines to give him time to read and answer.
Having said that, don’t make every text message three words lengthy. Respond in whole phrases… Just don’t make a text wall!
10- Don’t Complain.
I’m aware that the longer you stay with a person, the more at ease you become with him. That means you’ll be opening up even more, which is a good thing in general. This does not, however, imply that you must use it to scream or complain.
The odd “boy, it’s hot out!” is OK, but don’t complain about your employer, your children, or your life. There is a narrow line between speaking to someone about your problems and just whining. Understand the distinction. If something is really bothering you and you need to talk about it, schedule a phone call or an in-person meeting. Otherwise, you’ll come out as a Nervous Nelly, which isn’t sexy.
Texting may be an excellent way to get to know a person you’re dating. However, instead of focusing just on keeping him engaged, pay attention to his actions. Is he the one who starts most of your conversations? Is he fast to respond? Is his response brief or detailed? Is he questioning you?
But don’t simply look at his texts. Is he making an attempt to see you in person as well? If he isn’t, you’ve got yourself a penfriend. If you’re chatting and texting and have no plans, be a Sexy Confident girl and ask him out. This man has no intention of seeing you if he provides excuses. He’s in it for his Ego and takes value from your Texting and caring…
Work towards making your messages more flirtatious and attractive, but don’t rely on them to sustain your engagement. The more time you spend dating, the more phone conversations and visits you should have.