As you may know, in this world there are more than 8 billion people. each one has its personality and character. Research and studies made to discover if there is a science that can explain what people called personality and character and predicted the future action this person may act. The answer was yes, we can understand someone’s personality and predict his actions.

Researchers discover two lines. one in far-right called Extroversion, and the other in far-left called Introversion. Most people lay in between but with different degrees. If you wanna discover how your friend, girlfriend, or crush will act read this article and take notes.

In today’s article, we will talk about Introversion, how can you discover an introvert, how to deal with him and be the closest person to him and win him as a best friend or Lover…

Introverts and Introversion..

Introversion is a form of personality. An Introvert is a person who thinks that he will change the world by changing his inside. he doesn’t believe in what others think or act. he believes that everything is in his hands. some people think that introverts suffer from social anxiety or they are shy, also a lot of people think that they are hard to deal with, but that is not the case. An estimation says that Introverts are 23% to 40% of the population.

Introverts tend to be closed on themselves, they don’t like socializing and meeting new people. they like to be around a few people they call them hommies, they trust them and they will never hurt them because they believe that they are home for them. Introverts don’t like to go to parties, they prefer to stay home. If you wanna take an introvert somewhere make a deal to not let him meet people and he will go with you anywhere you like.

Introversion Types

If you know an introvert or you are, you will have one of these characteristics at least. The research found 4 types of introversion thinking In a 2011 Study.

Anxious Thinking: being around other people may make an introvert uncomfortable, or feelings of social awkwardness and lack of confidence. that’s the reason why he may prefer to stay alone instead of meeting with people. If you have an introverted friend try to make him understand that you feel him and his feelings are wrong.

Addiction to Thinking: Introverts love thinking and overthink about everything, so make your friend aware that he is overthinking.

Thinking about socializing: Thinking about if he has to meet people, his friend or even his family and what he has to say.

Thinking about Situations: The introvert thing and imagine the situation that he may face and what he has to do and perform.

The personality of an Introvert

Here we come to the most interesting part about an introvert. most introverts share the same traits of a personality what you will learn now will make you understand and earn any introvert

  • They don’t like to socialize.

Socialize make an Introvert lose his energy, he may be happy if he’s around the people he likes. but in the end, he will disappear without letting anyone know. Introverts don’t think they are important to others. so, they don’t expect to be missed, and when someone told them they are missed they become happy and surprised.

  • They like to work alone.

Working alone at their own pace is the best solution for introverts to be productive. Working with other people create problems for introverts, their mind can handle the disorganization or some people who are not serious about perfecting their work.

  • They prefer close circle of friends.

Introverts love things to be organized and under control. too many friends get close and then go away then go back make an introvert feel like there is no loyalty and cannot build anything on this relationship. That is why Introvert keep a few people around them. these friends are controlled, loyal, and stay for longer.

  • Deep, very Deep.

Did you ever met someone and after one week he becomes your best friend? or meet with someone who slides into your life so easily? If YES, then BINGO!! this guy is an introvert with no mg of doubt.

Introverts have an incredible ability to slide into people’s life and become one of the pillars. usually, if an introvert becomes your friend, it means he will stay forever.

  • They need to refuel.

Introverts need to refuel from time to time. when the introvert stays alone and does what he likes alone. his energy spikes like nothing before. it is the necessary thing to do for introverts. If he didn’t do it he cracked from inside and can have depression.

  • Introverts in conflicts:

When an introvert is involved in a conflict, his brain works with 0 and 1, on and off. this means he thinks either he stays in this relationship or he stop it forever. If he intends to stay he tries to fix it but not for a long time. If you have a conflict with an introvert it is better to solve it soon or you may lose this person forever.

  • Introvert are sensation machines.

Introverts are sensitive to emotions, if you stand in front of them ha can know what you feel just from your eyes. the same for themselves, they may feel sad or happy for things you say even if you have no intention to mean something. being careful about what you say is an important thing when you have an introvert as a friend.

How a person becomes Introvert

Take this as a note: Two things create a personality Genes and Environment. The genes are what you get from the parent and shape your reality from day one. This factor you can’t change. The other is the Environment which is the people and the life you live every single day. This factor you can control, sometimes it is hard to do but you can!

Genetics shapes the way you deal with things without thinking. For example, there are people who get angry super fast. when you ask them why they respond that it is out of their hands. sometimes they call it anger issues. The way you feel comfortable dealing with the situation in your life when you are younger, the genetics are the things that moved you to do so…

The other factor is the environment. It is every situation you get through in life and let a mark inside you. For example, a Man can reject a super wonderful pretty lady. from your perspective, he is a dumb and waste man. But for him, He can go further with her because he has a love story that ended badly. he decided to never repeat love’s adventure for the rest of his life. This is what we call environment.

Remember Introverts are not Shy

Shyness has nothing to do with energy levels and personality or character. Shyness is like when a guy becomes red when he is talking to girls or being embarrassed by some people. Shy people find themselves stuck and can’t figure out how to deal with these situations.

On the other hand, don’t ever try to embarrass an Introvert because you’ll hear something that may hurt you deeply. as we said before Introverts focus on going deep.

Sometimes an Introvert can be shy. but not all introverts are shy.


Every single person has some introversion inside, it is true that it may not show up and become clear. Introverts are the same as everyone. It is only the way they see the world that is different. They care about things that others don’t care about. But, it is necessary to have introverted friends around. they can help you too much in things that you can’t see, tell you how others feels. The same for you, you need to help them understand sometimes that they took things far from reality.

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